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UI Resumption Date 2022/2023 For All Undergraduates

UI Resumption Date 2022

We have been hearing rumour that the university of Ibadan academic calendar is slow. Truthfully, the rumour is true but however, the university management is working on that. An example is when the university did not give their students holiday after the conclusion of first semester.

UI Resumption Date
UI Resumption Date

This has not happened in the history of the university. At least, a week holiday will be given to staff and students after each semester. This session first semester is totally different because there was no holiday. You can ask around from your colleagues in the university of ibadan if you are doubting us. The reason why there was no holiday was to make the academic calendar very fast.

Perhaps you are wondering which semester the university is? Or you want to know when the university resumed for 2022/23 Session. You are in the right place to get the detailed information. Just ensure you keep on reading. All the information you need is right here on this page.

Read also on the following;

UI Resumption Date 2022/2023

The current resumption date for studnets of the University of Ibadan is October 17, 2022.

This materialised However, The first semester started with online class. The online class was both asynchronous and synchronous. After the online class started, it did not go well with the students because most of them find it hard to cope.

Some students does not have a browsing phone. Those who have find it hard to be subscribing regularly. This is what made the University of ibadan management to make the first semester examination physical because they do not want to have any issue with their students. The first semester examination was physical except General studies examination that was online.

The second semester was a blended session. Both physical and online lectures was mandated by the university to all staff and students but most lecturers prefer physical class to online class. Hence, most lecturers & students are doing physical class for second semester.

Thanks for reading, all comments are welcomed in the box below & don’t forget to share with loved ones.

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