DPR Salary Structure In 2022/23
Hello everyone, we will be discussing about DPR Salary scale for all its workers. However, before we begin. What do we mean by DPR? The full meaning of DPR is Department Of Petroleum Resources. In case you don’t know, the duty of this agency is to regulate the oil and gas industry in Nigeria.
Not only that, this agency has so many workers under its jurisdiction and we can call it a bureaucratic organization because they maintained hierarchy of authority which is very important whereby power to make decisions flow from the superordinate to the subordinate. Each workers are employed in their area of specialisation and each level have who they are answerable to.
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If you want to know how much this workers are paid or you want to have a glimpse of idea of their salary range. Then, ensure you read this article to the end to get the full details.The salary range of each workers are different from each other. So if you want to go for any position, its necessary to check out the salary structure of the position you want to go for.

Apart from this, it is necessary to also know about what people are searching for online as regards this agency. Some of the things people are seeking for Department of petroleum resources allowances nairaland , CBN and Allowance, PPRR Recruitment 2022 , FIRS , NNPC salary Structure , DPR starting salary , DPR monthly salary , PEF allowances , NUPENG salary structure , NPDC
Functions Of The Department Petroleum Resources
- They ensure that petrol laws, rules and guidelines are obeyed.
- They manage all petroleum activities as long as they are licensed.
- They regulate petroleum activities so that they can adapt to public objectives.
- They guarantee that health safety and environment guidelines adjust with public and worldwide best oil field practice.
- They keep records on petroleum industry tasks.
- They guarantee instalments of rents, royalties and different incomes on behalf of the federal government.
DPR Salary Structure 2022/2023
The salary structure for each department will be grouped in this article. Don’t worry, we will make it easier for you. Just keep reading so that you can get all the information needed.
For Entry Level Staff 2022
This is the first stage that the newly recruited personnel finds themselves and there is one question that is always on their mind after getting employed into this position. The question is how much will they be paid as salary as an entry level staff. We are here to provide that information. The breakdown of the entry level staff salary are as follows;
All new entry level staff will be paid ₦133,333 monthly and this will amount to 1.6 million naira yearly.
Also, the agency may decide to give their new entrant staff some allowances. If allowances is calculated with what they earn, their net salary will amount to 2.5 million per year. This is one of the reason why the department of petroleum resources is the most highly paid agency in recent time.
For Industrial Trainees 2022
All graduates or industrial trainees of this agency are always given special preferences than new entrants. They have more allowance and more bonuses. This is different from their take home salary. Their salary annually is around N400,000 and their bonuses and allowances are not calculated in it. Those ones are separate. If those ones are calculated, it will amount to millions of naira per annum.
Average Salaries At The Department
The average salary this agency pay their workers is ₦291,375. Definitely, it has a greater chance of increasing or decreasing, it depends.
However, there are some jobs that are topnotch in this agency. Below is the view of their average salaries:
Auditor – ₦210,000
Engineer – ₦441,000
Geologist – ₦420,000
Senior Scientific Officer – ₦473,000
Dear readers, Thanks for reading. Drop your enquiries in the box below, we will be glad if you can do that for us. Best regards!!!