How to pass the jamb 2023/2024 exam and score above 300 without cheating, UTME secrets revealed.
Are you preparing to write and score 280+ in the coming JAMB exam? Or did you score below 250 in your last JAMB exam? If yes, this article was written for you.
You can’t pass JAMB without reading.
This article contains everything you need to know and do to score at least 280 in your JAMB exam. You can achieve this without cheating. This secret is tested and trusted.
I disclosed this secret to a friend of mine who has been scoring less than 180 in the JAMB UTME since 2016.
By God’s grace, he scored 323 in the 2019 JAMB UTME and gained admission into the university. He is currently studying his dream course too. This was because he took to my advice and practiced it.
Have you ever wondered why most students who we consider “intelligent” score lesser than our expectation in JAMB? I guess you have, but you haven’t gotten a suitable reason.
This write-up will tell you the reason behind the low scores and how to fix it. It is not hard at all.
How To Pass JAMB 2023 Examination
If you think or have been thinking this article will teach you to cheat to get good grades, then you are wrong.
Every content of this article is hundred percent legit. You won’t be taught how to do the JAMB expo.
So if have had that thought, you are advised to either forget it or quit reading.
There is no shortcut to success. Success required a lot of hard work.
Without wasting much time, what are these things you need to know and do to have 300+ in the coming JAMB exam?
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1. Make the Computer System your friend
It is not new that the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) adopts the Computer Based Test (CBT) system for examination. This should remind you that you have to be very conversant with it.
However, for JAMB CBT purposes, you don’t need to go for Ms word Excel, Ms. Word Office, or PowerPoint tutorials. You won’t be asked to solve problems relating to all these.
All you have to know are the basics of Computer knowledge. This includes; typing, handling the mouse, etc. The knowledge of the two things listed above is enough.
You will be asked to type in your registration details to log in. You will be required to use the mouse to click on your answers and to make use of the calculator.
Moreover, you can also use the keyboard for these functions. You are to use whichever one suits you.
READ ALSO: Complete guide for jamb registration
2. Get the JAMB Syllabus
The JAMB Syllabus is a list of topics which the exam questions for a particular year will be drawn from. It is also known as JAMB Brochure.
It is just like an area of concentration that allows candidates to focus on specific topics, without having to read things that you won’t see in the exam hall.
The question now is how to get the JAMB Brochure. During your JAMB registration, you will be given a novel and a CD. This CD houses the JAMB Brochure for that particular year, so you should keep it well.
More so, the CD cannot work on your regular DVD player, so you have to use a Laptop or a desktop computer to play it.
When you insert the disc, find the brochure of the subjects you registered for, and write it down. This will be your guide when you start reading.
The jamb syllabus alone cannot make you pass the jamb computer-based examination.
Watch the video below to get a full understanding
3. Practice Past Questions with CBT
You will surely be writing CBT exams, so why solve past questions without a computer. It isn’t wrong to practice your past questions with your pen and paper, but as the examination period draws closer, let the CBT method set in.
This is because using a pen and paper to write your answers down might not be timed properly, but practicing CBT puts you in the real exam condition.
Many students end up failing JAMB because they don’t know how CBT works, and have not practiced it thoroughly. Practicing with CBT is just the simulation of the real examination.
You will surely get tensed in the exam hall, so using the CBT at home will help you control the tension and also help you apply speed to your work.
You can get a lot of JAMB CBT apps on the google play store or the IOS app store.
If you are the type who has the data to practice online. I will recommend MySchool App, and if you want an offline application, I will recommend Jambprep. These apps time you and put you in the main exam condition.
You can also practice with friends. Let them download the applications, then challenge yourselves to a competition. The answers are also marked exactly how JAMB marks them.
There are also corrections and explanations for questions and answers you might not understand.
CONTINUE READING: Things to know about jamb mock exam
4. Make sure you sign in and out at the examination center
Signing in and out at the examination center serves as the attendance. If you forget to do it, you will not see the hour result. JAMB will consider you didn’t partake in the examination or that someone else did the examination for you.
During your JAMB registration, you will be asked to register with your fingerprint. This fingerprint will be used as your identification to bring out your details. As we all know; no two persons have the same fingerprint.
If one fingerprint is detected twice, JAMB will consider it a multiple registration, which is a punishable offense.
So you will use your fingerprint to sign in at first, then after the exam, make sure you go back to sign out. Forgetting to sign out might be very dangerous.
CHECK OUT: How to get your jamb exam center and date
5. Read and understand instructions
How do you solve questions without knowing what to do? This is where instruction sets in.
Instructions serve as a guide to show you how and what you should do when you come across questions.
Let’s take an example. The Use of English contains questions on “nearest in meaning” and “nearly opposite in meaning”. Candidates might see a question based on the former and provide an answer based on the latter. Imagine if this continues for a long time…Failure begins to set in.
Then the results come out, and candidates get surprised about their scores, without knowing they have made the mistake by themselves. This is what failure to read and understand instruction can lead to.
READ ABOUT: JAMB cut-off mark for admission
6. About Examination Malpractice (JAMB Expo)
It is general knowledge that two candidates sitting together will have different questions set for them.
Due to these, some candidates come into the exam hall with papers, books, and even mobile devices.
But they tend to forget, that just like the Big Brother house, there are cameras around. Though the cameras might look like they aren’t working, they are operating perfectly.
JAMB will request the CCTV footage of all the examinations, and if they find anything suspicious about any candidate, he or she might get investigated and penalized if found guilty.
With these, you are advised to stay away from any form of examination malpractice. It is for your good.
Is JAMB difficult to pass in 2023?
No, it is not, you can pass JAMB when you prepare very well for the exam and not by wasting your time on social media and not reading your books when you should.
How do you answer jamb questions?
You are going to make use of a computer and you don’t need any computer knowledge or skills to answer the questions.
Make sure you understand the question very well before choosing any answers and also be cautious of time.
How can I successfully pass JAMB?
Study hard and smart, solve jamb past questions and also apply the tips and tricks I gave you above in this article.
I hope this article has enlightened you enough on how you can pass JAMB 2023 Exam.
Feel free to ask your questions in the comment section.
You can also share the write up with those who you think might need it.
Please can you just paste the syllabus for people like me who has a small mobile phone that does not have a pdf reader.
Thanks it’s really helpful.
Awesome I can understand now thanks you
Sir please I will like to have ur WhatsApp number…I have a lot of questions to ask🥺🙏
Thanks for u advise ad ur opinion, thanks much l .
Thanks for the update